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Toastmasters Club


HCAS Toastmasters Club has been reinstated in the month of March and started again with 25 members. The club is quite active in conducting weekly meetings and participating in contests. TALK UP TOASTMASTERS REPORT for District 0120 has been released on May 23, 2023. As of March 31, 2023 report 16 clubs have been selected for the TALK UP TOASTMASTERS AWARD. Among 145 clubs of District 120 only 16 clubs have won the award and HCAS TOASTMASTERS CLUB is one among the 16 clubs, which is a huge win. It’s indeed a milestone for the club. In an International Conference which is to be conducted on 27/5/2023, Toastmasters International Club will honor our HCAS Toastmasters Club with a FLAG (Shield), to recognize our success in the pathway.  Reinstated and getting an award at the earliest motivates the club to bring in many more laurels.




Date: 29th September 2022, 11 AM

Venue: Newton Hall

The "Transform through Toastmasters" Open House Meeting was held on 29th September 2022, at 11 AM in the HCAS Auditorium. The program was organized by the Toastmasters Club of HCAS, with the aim of creating awareness about the importance of public speaking and the role that Toastmasters plays in transforming individuals into confident speakers and leaders.

The program commenced with a prayer, after which the Principal of HCAS, Dr. S. Thirumagan, delivered the welcome address. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of public speaking and how it can positively impact one's personal and professional life. He encouraged the audience to take advantage of this opportunity and to learn from the experts.

The chief guest for the event was Mr. Mohanakrishnan G, Club Growth Director of Toastmasters International. He gave an informative presentation on Toastmasters and how it has been changing lives around the world. He highlighted the benefits of being a part of Toastmasters, such as improved communication skills, leadership development, and increased self-confidence. Mr. Mohanakrishnan also spoke about the various programs and competitions conducted by Toastmasters International.

Following the chief guest's speech, two experienced Toastmasters, Mr. Balaji and Ms. Kiruba Jacob, shared their own transformational journey and how Toastmasters has helped them to become confident speakers and leaders. They also shared some tips and techniques for effective public speaking.

The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Illakiah, Assistant Professor, Department of English. she expressed her gratitude to the chief guest, guest speakers, and the audience for making the event a grand success.

Overall, the Transform through Toastmasters Open House Meeting was a great success, with attendees gaining valuable insights and knowledge on public speaking and leadership development. The event served as a great platform for individuals to network, learn from experts, and explore new opportunities for personal and professional growth.


The Toastmasters meeting was held on 22. 02.2023 at 01:00 PM in the Seminar Hall. The meeting started with the Sergeant at Arms, Kirloskar, calling the meeting to order. The President of the club, Ms. Ilakkiah, then gave a speech about the first meeting of Toastmasters and the importance of effective communication and leadership skills.

Toastmaster of the day, TM Kiruba Jacob, then took over and talked about the flow of the meeting. The first agenda item was a prepared speech by Toastmaster Sai, who delivered an informative and engaging speech.

The word of the day was "Exquisite," which was explained by the Grammarian. Table Topic Master, TM Anuradha, then explained how table topics work and gave clues about a famous personality, challenging members to guess who it was. Members were then given a related topic to speak about, which was an impromptu speech.

After the table topics session, the evaluator provided feedback for the prepared speech, highlighting the strengths and areas for improvement. The general evaluator then gave feedback about the meeting, commending the speakers and giving constructive criticism where needed. The TAG team also gave their report about the meeting.

The meeting was then handed back to the TMOD, who made announcements about the next meeting. The President also gave her announcement, and the Sergeant at Arms adjourned the meeting.

Overall, the Toastmasters meeting was a great success, with members practicing their public speaking skills, receiving feedback, and learning from each other. The meeting was well-organized and efficiently run, with members actively participating and supporting each other in their personal and professional growth.



The second meeting of the Toastmasters Club was held on 04/ 04/2023 at 01:00PM in the Seminar Hall. The meeting started with the Sergeant at Arms, Kirloskar, calling the meeting to order. The President of the club, Toastmaster Ilakkiah, then gave a speech about the importance of effective communication and leadership skills.

TMOD Mrs. Anuradha Prakash then took over and talked about the flow of the meeting. She engaged the members by sharing some interesting science facts, some of which were true, and some of which were cooked up stories. She also introduced the word of the day, which was "Candour."

The first prepared speech was given by Toastmaster Tanusha Tennyson, who delivered a well-structured and engaging ice breaker speech . After her speech, the table topics session started, led by TTM Tharun Karthick, who gave some interesting table topics. Both the members and guests actively participated, and Mr. Balachandra was elected as the best table topic speaker by everyone.

After the table topics session, the General Evaluator, Toastmaster Gayathri, provided feedback on the prepared speech and gave suggestions for improvement. She then asked the TAG team to share their views and opinions about the meeting. After them, she gave her overall views about the meeting. The Toastmaster of the day then talked about the flow of the meeting and thanked everyone for their participation. The meeting was adjourned by the Sergeant at Arms.

The second meeting of the Toastmasters Club was a great success. Members practiced their public speaking skills, received feedback, and learned from each other. The meeting was well-organized and efficiently run, with members actively participating and supporting each other in their personal and professional growth. The table topics session was especially engaging, with everyone participating and enjoying themselves. The next meeting was announced, and everyone left with a sense of accomplishment and excitement for the next meeting.

