Best Arts & Science College


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Cultural Activities

The college has a lot of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities like HINDOSPARKX, CARNIVAL etc. conducted every academic year, which provides the student with a holistic development in their college life. These programmes inculcate a healthy competitive spirit among the students which would pave the way for their future career endeavours. HINDOTSAV, an inter-collegiate cultural programme is conducted on a large scale once every year.

Four Houses

In order to bring out the students 'latent talent, the college is divided into four houses namely Phoenix, Orion, Pegasus and Hercules. The annual inter-house cultural and sports competitions are conducted among the students of four houses. Faculty members along with the students leaders lead each house, who take up the responsibilities as Captain and Vice - Captain. Winners and Runnersups are appreciated with trophies, Certificates and prizes for the Competitions.

College Events




