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  1. Students must use respectful language when speaking and communicating through text and/or chat features with faculty and other students. They must not use vulgar, intimidating or impolite language or images in any of their communication during online classes.
  2. Communication between students must be study-related in nature and must be courteous and respectful. Sending unsolicited emails and/or messages/texts to either faculty or other classmates is strictly prohibited. 
  3. Students should turn on their cameras while classes are going on. If/when this is not possible, a student’s self-photo, or “selfie,” must be used, so that they are easily recognizable to others. The staff reserve the rights to determine if a profile picture and/or background is appropriate.
  4. Appropriate student formal Dress Code will apply to all virtual learning environments.
  5. During classes, students are encouraged to find a quiet space where they will not be distracted from learning, and objects that reveal personal information should be moved out of camera view. 
  6. Students must not share or post videos, pictures, or copies of either student-generated or teacher work, on any social media, or elsewhere online.
  7. Students must be alert in identifying, addressing and reporting inappropriate and illegal materials/images in electronic or other forms, during all virtual classes.
  8. Students are not permitted to accessing any class they are not scheduled to attend.
  9. Students are to be present online/arrive at college before the official starting time. Those who are late for online classes/college will be marked absent, as registers are completed at the beginning of each class. Absence from online class/college must be covered by an absentee note from a parent/guardian.
  10. If a student is absent from online class/college for a period of three (3) days or longer, this leave of absence must be supported by a letter from a parent/registered medical doctor.
  11. Student must not leave online class/college during working hours without a letter from a parent/guardian requesting the release of their child and the permission of the Dean/HoD from whom an exit note must be obtained.
  12. No teacher or administrator will be required to stream or record instruction for a student’s routine illness or long absence.
  13. The authenticity and genuineness of student’s work is taken seriously and verified using a variety of technologies. Copying the work of others, allowing others to knowingly copy a student’s work, doing another student’s (or your child’s) work, and/or misusing content from the internet is strictly prohibited, and will attract suitable disciplinary action.
  14. Students cannot use cell phones during online classes or exams. Basic calculators are acceptable to help with the math.
  15. The School will not be held responsible for theft of or damage to personal belongings on School premises (e.g. large sums of money, cell phones, laptops, cameras, jewelry, bags, books and clothing etc).
  16. Damage to the institute & campus property due to negligence/lack of care would attract punishment and compensation for loss caused.
  17. Every student must wear on-person the college ID-card every day while attending lectures and appearing for various examinations.
  18. ID-Card will be available in a week after she / he produces the Admit Card.
  19. Students are prohibited from indulging in anti-institutional, anti-national, antisocial, communal, immoral or political expressions and activities within the Campus and hostels.
  20. Unlawful possession, use, distribution or sale of any narcotic or dangerous drug as defined by the Govt. of India, will be reported to the police immediately.
  21.  Our college is a smoke-free institution and all tobacco and tobacco-related products (including e-cigarettes) are banned, faling to adhere, will attract stringent action.
  22. Students have to park their vehicles in parking zones only. Any student found breaking the rule will be penalized.
  23. Student must provide the college, genuine/correct mobile number, Email ID, residential address etc., for all official communications.
  24. Students are to pay all fees, on or before the due date; you are to visit our website: in order to pay; failing to pay on time will attract penalty.
  25. Students, who have financial difficulty, are encouraged to visit: or call: (+91) 9538872222.


  1. All staff should follow the rules and regulations of the Institution as prevalent from time to time.
  2. The faculty must strive to prepare himself/ herself academically to meet all the challenges and requirements in the methodology of teaching so that the inputs may be useful for the student community at large.
  3. Faculty must respect the dignity, beliefs and constitutional rights of learners, which includes the right to privacy and confidentiality
  4. The staff should interact & inform the Head of the department about the habitual absentees, slow-learner students, students with objectionable behavior etc. The staff should take care of slow learner students and pay special attention to their needs in remedial classes, and should motivate and bring out their creativity
  5. The staff should encourage students asking doubts / questions.
  6. Faculties are expected to update their knowledge by attending seminars/workshops/conferences, and should attempt to publish research papers and articles in reputed International / National Journals, Magazines and Periodicals etc. Further they should also author and coauthor textbooks as per changing curriculum.
  7. Staff must avoids any form of humiliation, and refrains from any form of abuse, physical or psychological; refrains from improper physical contact with learners; does not abuse the position he or she holds.
  8. While conducting online classes, staff must dress appropriately as in college, with ID card on-person, and shall be in mode of dress decent and smart, and attend to her or his personal appearance ensuring a neat and pleasant outlook while on duty.
  9. Faculty, where appropriate, recognizes the parents as partners in education, and promotes a harmonious relationship with them; and does what is practically possible to keep parents adequately and regularly informed about the well-being and progress of their ward.
  10. The staff undertakes to inform the parents honestly during the parent-teacher meetings in connection with the child‘s progress and behavior, and will inform the parents if a problem arises with the learner’s progress in school.
  11. A faculty must maintain high standards of practice in relation to teaching and learning, classroom management, planning, monitoring, assessment and reporting; and at all times live up to the highest standards of the profession and avoid any conduct which may bring the college and profession into disrepute.
  12. Create learning experiences which engage, motivate and challenge students in an inclusive setting with a lifelong learning perspective.
  13. The staff shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning or to health and safety, and shall not intentionally expose the student to embarrassment or disparagement.
  14. The faculty should demonstrate respect for diversity, maintain fairness and promote equality irrespective of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, appearance, age, language or different needs or abilities.
  15. The faculty will observe official working hours, be punctual and meet deadlines; and not be absent from work without proper authorization or reasonable cause;
  16. The faculty will keep to the prescribed syllabus content, and will not deviate from the syllabus content; prepare relevant schemes of work, notes of lessons, teaching aids, well in advance to ensure effective teaching and learning. 
  17. Provide a diverse learning experience including using social media and Internet research in class discussions and assignments.
  18. Faculty must respect the Management, Principal and colleagues and participate in the development of a professional teaching environment.
  19. The faculty must conduct all internal and external examinations in accordance with rules governing such examinations issued from time to time by the concerned authorities.
  20. In addition to teaching, the staff should take additional responsibilities as assigned by HOD / Principal in academic, co-curricular or extra-curricular activities.
  21. The faculty must refrain from availing themselves of leave except on unavoidable grounds and as far as practicable with prior intimation, keeping in view their particular responsibility for completion of academic schedule


“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

                                                                  William Arthur Ward
