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Intellectual Property Seminar held in HCAS

Time: 2019-11-01 00:10:05
HCAS, Chennai

Intellectual Property Seminar held in HCAS

HCAS conducted one day seminar on Intellectual Property Rights organized by its IQAC division Dr. B Deepa of Intellpat Patent Solutions Chennai was chief Guest The Principal Dr. S. Thirumagan delivered presidential address.  Students of PG sections and teaching faculties of some departments participated

Dr. K. Malarvizhi IQAC Co-ordinator and Dean Business studies welcomed all saying this is a special seminar meant to teaching faculties and post graduate students Dr. S. Thirumagan Principal in his address said India is rich in Intellectual property and said this country is one of the education oriented and innovative one.  Intellectual property is an asset any country cherishes and this seminar will be an eye opener to all on this crucial subject he added

Dr. B. Deepa the chief guest in her address said on trade mark copy rights and on intellectual properties and explained with power point presentation.  The conditions applying to intellectual properties and how one should safe guard his or her patent was explained by the chief guest amply.

Certificates were distributed in the end to the participants and Dr. VJ Phillip the Deputy Director – Academics and Dr. Thirumagan participated in this function Dr. A. Ganesh Kumar Faculty Microbiology proposed a vote of thanks thanking all who participated in this to make it go smoothly. 

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