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Webinar COVID 19 and beyond..

Time: 2020-05-08 10:06:41
HCAS, Chennai
Webinar - COVID-19 and beyond..

Webinar COVID 19 and beyond..

Resource Person: Dr. V. Pugazendhi Kalpakkam

The 04th webinar was on COVID-19, a lecture and counseling session delivered by Dr. V. Pugazendhi Kalpakkam, on 8th May 2020. He spoke on, how COVID-19 spread and what are the steps to prevent and cure. He spoke of Dr. Jacob John a Nobel Scholar, and mentioned the various preventive measures he adopted. Dr. Pugazendhi, also spoke on Plasma Therapy, and others topics related to COVID 19. More than 80 participated from different universities and colleges.


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