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Time: 2019-09-27 10:01:00
HCAS, Chennai


HCAS ECS Department conducts TIKSHANA’19 2 days workshop

Padur 19/9/2016

The Hindustan College of Arts and Science CATRICS association of Electronics and Communication Science conducted two days workshop on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in collaboration with Pantech Solutions Chennai from Sep. 18 2019 to Sept. 19 2019 Students from various city colleges and Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science participated

In a valedictory program held today at 3.00 PM Mrs. Jayanthi Margaret HOD Electronics and Communication Science welcomed the guests and participants  She said the Director Dr. Susan Marthandan has been a source of inspiration and guides the department well who is also a busy doctor She spoke of Dr. VJ Philip Deputy Director – Academics known for credence and experience as she also welcomed Mr. Kumarasamy Marketing Manager of Pantec solutions.  Then she welcomed Dean Dr. S. Ilanjiam, staff and students of the department and other colleges who participated in this event

Director Dr. Susan Marthandan felicitated the gathering spoke students would have gained much from this work shop on AI and Robotics as she doesn’t need to say much on this as she went around the workshop venue before.  Tikshana means sharp and students are sharp she said.  She appreciated the students who are born in 2000 or about so called millennials and who want or can have everything quickly.   She said of Nirmala Sitharaman India’s Finance Minister who says frequently on millennials or something on it.   She said people want instant gratification and as they age they got to go slowly

She stressed work hard in all and as students join in companies they will be junior most and got to go on from there. It takes long to reach goals and one has to work steady and hard.  She said importance of Robotics and artificial intelligence in today’s world

Students of other colleges gave feedback on the workshop Mohammed Salman of SRM College saying it is amazing and Ayan Kumar of HITS said it was wonderful Certificates were given to students who participated from 10 or more colleges

Mr. Ganesh ECS student proposed a vote of thanks thanking everyone for making this occasion a great success.

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