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Mother Theresa Remembered in HCAS

Time: 2019-08-26 10:00:04
HCAS, Chennai

Mother Theresa Remembered in HCAS

Mother Theresa Remembered in HCAS

Padur 26/08/19

The Department of Social Work HCAS celebrated Mother Theresa’s birth day at its campus in Padur today.  Dr. S. Thirumagan, the Principal spoke on the occasion said today is birth day of Saint Mother Theresa, Mrs. Sakthi Prabha, HOD, Social Work department welcomed gathering,  VP Samuel Sampath Kumar read portions from Wheels and Wings Autobiography of Dr. KCG Verghese, Founder Chairman of Hindustan Group of Institutions concerning Saint Mother Theresa.

Dr. Thirumagan in Principal address said many colleges are not celebrating today’s Mother Theresa’s birthday as HCAS.  Dr. KCG Verghese had interacted with mother Theresa during his lifetime. He said about importance of mother and how men are jealous of mothers because they can deliver babies.  Man due to inferiority complex went on to do many things as writing book, building dams and others but could not do what mothers can do as giving birth to children. Mother Theresa was truly saint who gave everything to poor and needy as Mahatma Gandhi who did not wear shirt as most Indians didn’t wear a true saint.  Mahatma Gandhi said he did not hate British but the concept of theirs Dr. Thirumagan said.  He narrated a story in which a king pardoned a convict who gave right answer to what is in woman’s mind and who married that person who gave answer as Angel.  Dr. Thirumagan said Mother Theresa is like an Angel who served poor and needy everywhere. He exhorted students to serve others in ways they can and wished success as he ended.

A film on Mother Theresa was shown and students of social work staged a skit on giving and serving others.  The VP Mr. Samuel Sampath Kumar recalled Dr. KCG Verghese acquaintance to Mother Theresa from Dr. Verghese’s autobiography.  Mrs. Jasmine Bernard gave vote of thanks thanking everyone for making this occasion a great success.

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